Board Committees

Thirteen committees help the board of directors make informed decisions.

The board of directors is entrusted with a wide range of responsibilities in regard to oversight of The Foursquare Church. Although the board cannot delegate its decision-making responsibility and authority to any one portion of its members or to any other group, the board can and does assign committees to assist in the process of making informed decisions. At this time, the board has empowered 13 committees; each of these will be explained individually. As need dictates, additional committees can be established; committees can also be disbanded when the board of directors no longer needs assistance in the specific areas that the committees served.

Culture Committees

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee oversees the development of policy and guidelines related to employee compensation, including that of the officers. The committee addresses such matters as the suitability of job classification, structure used for compensation, appropriateness of external market surveys, application of consistent and equitable salary practices, and strategies designed to ensure that hiring and skills retention are commensurate with institutional strategic needs.

Doctrine Committee

The Doctrine Committee assists the president and board to ensure that Foursquare leaders maintain a high commitment to Scripture, the Declaration of Faith and the Ministerā€™s Code of Ethics, and continue to pass this commitment on from one generation to the next. The committee develops, provides, and recommends biblically-sound and theologically-based resources regarding social issues, ensuring that they are in line with Foursquare values and doctrine.

When needed, the Doctrine Committee will be available to act as a theological consulting voice to issues surrounding ethicsā€™ reviews and processes of U.S. credentialed ministers. 

Bylaw Committee

The bylaws of our Foursquare corporation are a multifaceted document that sets forth the rights, duties, and relationships of the members, directors, officers, churches, and other Foursquare entities in accordance with applicable law, biblical doctrine, and mutually agreed polity. It is a dynamic ā€œlivingā€ document, which must be revised and maintained to accommodate changing laws and efficient administration of business and relationships. The Bylaw Committee assists the board and corporation members in developing, drafting, and maintaining the corporationā€™s bylaws.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee shall assist the board by developing, maintaining, and publishing Foursquare corporate governance guidelines, including the Board Handbook and its committee charters.

Cause Committees

Cause Committee

The Cause Committee serves the mission of The U.S. Foursquare Church, both inside and outside of the United States. This committee serves administrative, personnel, ministerial, and missional agendas as determined by the ICFG Board of Directors, the General Supervisor, the Missions Director, and the President.

The standing members of the committee are to represent the geography and demography of the U.S. Foursquare Church and serve the stated agendas. Additional non-members may be invited to participate, consult, and represent as deemed appropriate for initiatives and discussions.

Endowment Committee

The Foursquare Endowment Committee serves to advance strategic and innovative opportunities of the shared mission for The Foursquare Church. The committee shall assist the board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility for stewarding the annual spend plan of the endowment. This shall include opportunities and strategies that align to Foursquare missiology in cooperation with the U.S. Church and related ministries/departments, Foursquare Missions International (FMI) and related ministries/departments and the U.S. Church relationship with Global Council (GC)

Corporation Committees

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee oversees the financial reports and other financial information provided by the organization to its members and others, the organizationā€™s financial policies and procedures and disclosure controls and procedures, the organizationā€™s system of internal controls, and the organizationā€™s auditing, accounting, and financial reporting processes. The committee also reviews and approves, where appropriate, related-party transactions and appoints and reviews the performance of the independent registered public accounting firm.

Executive Committee

In order to expedite the large number of proposals presented to the board on a week-by-week basis, this committee of the board provides timely decisions on matters that are within policies established by the board. Also, the board will designate special items for this committee to process.

The role of the Executive Committee is to handle the steady demand for decisions on managerial items that are in policy so that primary board meetings can be focused on weightier decisions. Matters that are not in line with policy are covered at the monthly full board conference calls or face-to-face meetings so that decisions can be made with the wisdom and input of the full board.

Finance Committee

The purpose of the Finance Committee is to monitor the finances of The Foursquare Church on behalf of the Board of Directors and provide recommendations regarding strategic planning. The committee is to provide oversight and counsel in the following areas: developing a corporate annual operating plan (AOP) for board approval, reviewing monthly corporate financial reports, and watching over the financial transactions of The Foursquare Church. In carrying out its responsibilities, the Finance Committee and its subcommittees acts in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Insurance + Risk Management Committee

The Insurance & Risk Management Committee provides oversight of the Foursquare Insurance Program to ensure its structure and performance remains optimal and competitive. The Committee also provides risk management recommendations to Foursquare, both corporately and to local churches participating within the Program.

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is responsible for the oversight of Foursquareā€™s Corporate and Endowment portfolios as well as the investment options made available in the Foursquare Retirement Plan in accordance with investment policies that are periodically reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. The principal work of the Committee is to conduct deep dive analytics into varied investment opportunities as well as fund manager selection and then to closely monitor performance in partnership with outside investment consultants.

Lending Committee

The Lending Committee provides oversight of the lending operations of The Foursquare Church via the Foursquare Financial Solutions Loan Fund (FFSLF) and International Foursquare Loan Fund (IFLF). The Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board on all IFLF loan applications and workouts as well as lending terms, policies and overall strategy.

Resource Development Committee

The principal role of the Resource Development Committee is to recommend opportunities to maximize the non-cash assets of The Foursquare Church via entrepreneurial opportunities either pursued directly by Foursquare or as part of joint ventures with local churches or outside partners and then to provide management oversight of these initiatives on a go-forward basis.

Subcommittees of the Cause Committee

In addition to these 13 committees, there are currently two subcommittees of the Cause Committee.

Multiethnic Subcommittee

Women in Ministry Leadership Subcommittee

*ex officio member
List updated August 28, 2023